trDigital needed a custom mapping tool where they could load in a manufacturer’s list of dealers from a .csv file and auto-populate a searchable map, with custom filtering based on category and dealership type. This map also needed to be embeddable so it could be placed on manufacturers’ and distributors’ websites with ease.
Technologies Used:
- WordPress (Custom Theme)
- Dedicated Hosting
- PHP, JavaScript, mySQL
- Leaflet.js
- Google Geocoding API
- Due to the custom nature of this project, many of the features and functionalities didn’t exist in the form we needed them. Taking a modular approach and leveraging tools such as Advanced Custom Fields and existing map platforms like Leaflet.js and OpenStreetMap allowed us to quickly put this project together to the exact specifications required.
- Not only did this need to have a front end for users, but it needed a functional and user-friendly backend for administrators to import and edit dealers. The CSV upload process also needed to be solid and help the user troubleshoot when a file wasn’t formatted correctly.